


3.4 and 3.5 are supported. 2.7 and 3.3 should work too but not all features are supported and those versions might not be as stable.


1.7, 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10 are supported.


After installing better-test into your virtualenv, add better_test to your INSTALLED_APPS.


You can invoke better-test like you would your standard Django test command using python test. You may pass a list of tests, test modules or test classes to run, just like with your normal Django test command.


The --parallel flag will run your tests distributed across your CPU cores. For large test suites on a computer with several CPU cores, this can significantly speed up your test run.

This flag cannot be used together with --isolate.


This flag will run each test in it’s own process (distributed across your CPU cores). This will result in a very long test run, but is useful to find tests that leak state or depend on leaked state. Almost always when tests fail with --parallel but pass without it, leaking tests are the reason.

This flag cannot be used together with --parallel.


Re-runs all the tests that failed or errored in the last test run.


Re-runs the tests using the same configuration used in the last run.


Run migrations before your tests.


After the test run, list the <number> slowest tests.


Bypass better-test and use the standard Django test command. You cannot use any of the arguments mentioned above if you use --vanilla.


New in version 0.10.

Start method to use for multiprocessing. Defaults to spawn. Available choices: spawn, fork, forkserver. Refer to the Python documentation for the differences.